
Digital Lumens Introduces Smart Lighting Energy Tracking System

As we expand our product portfolio with new hardware and software offerings, I thought I’d tell you more about one in particular — LightRules Power. This new addition to the LightRules family allows our customers to monitor real-time energy usage and cost for other systems and circuits within their facilities.
So, why is this important?
This new capability leverages the network that was installed with the Intelligent Lighting System, and is often the first smart-building system in industrial facilities. This network, which was paid for by lighting energy savings, now provides facility managers with significantly more value and provides a single integrated view of energy use and cost by system — enabling them to make better decisions about resource optimization and utilization.
Real-time energy monitoring is a powerful tool to allow our customers to better understand their energy usage and cost – often well before they receive their energy bill. There are countless examples of rogue energy usage within facilities that goes unchecked for weeks, months, and even years – or even worse, never gets discovered.
LightRules Power monitors real-time energy usage, power, and peak demand, which can help our customers reduce both the usage (kWh) and demand-based (kW) components of their energy bills.
By utilizing LightRules Power, our customers can monitor circuit or system-level energy consumption – and better understand where in their facility they are consuming the most energy. Further, we can help our customers identify any troubling trends in their energy usage – and even help facility managers identify equipment or systems that may be failing or degrading over time.
The value of LightRules Power gets further magnified when used to monitor energy consumption across multiple facilities. Imagine the benefits of being able to compare and contrast energy usage profiles between two or more facilities.
LightRules Power is the latest example of listening to feedback from our customers and partners to enable even greater energy savings across our rapidly expanding worldwide customer base.

